We are

In The Church

We can pray about and seek out our talents. God can give us wisdom about what our talents are. We can trust the Holy Spirit to lead us about our gifts. Asking Others: Asking others can also give us an idea about our talents. There are many ways you can volunteer to share your gifts in the Church.

Easter Sanctuary

Church Council

The Council is the governing board at Good Shepherd and is made up of members elected to three-year terms by the congregation. The Council oversees the staff, finances, and properties of the church, and supports the many committees, groups, and individuals who carry out the ministries, responsibilities, and activities of the church.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is charged with hiring, managing, supporting, and evaluating the church’s paid staff, and supporting the pastor and congregation leaders. It will also offer assistance in hiring new staff, make recommendations about staff salaries and provide a venue to discuss issues regarding staff and employment. The committee is also charged with enhancing communication and positive relationships among all members and staff and providing a safe environment for mediation, reconciliation, and healing in the event of conflicts. It does not directly supervise staff as those relationships are clearly laid out in the Personnel Handbook and approved by council. The committee is directly accountable to the Church Council and works directly with the Pastor.

Parish Life

The Parish Life Committee is comprised of church members who enjoy serving the congregation and their guests.  Every year, the Committee coordinates the Congregational Meeting Luncheon, Easter Breakfast, Lenten Dinners, Funeral Luncheons (when requested), and Fellowship Hours.  Many of these events are potluck affairs and good food abounds.  The Committee sets up the tables, provides decorations, and cleans up after the events. The Committee is also responsible for doing extra cleaning in the kitchen as required, maintaining the appliances, and keeping the kitchen in order. This committee always welcomes more members!

Worship and Music

The Worship & Music Committee meets approximately twelve times per year to plan for the upcoming worship needs of the congregation and to identify and discuss various issues and ideas in order to offer a rich and fulfilling worship experience at Good Shepherd.  We welcome and encourage anyone who might have an interest in participating in that endeavor and/or helping to perform the various tasks involved. Anyone wishing to serve as a greeter, acolyte, usher, reader, communion assistant, or in the preparation of elements for communion may contact the church office.

Finance Committee

This group works with the Treasurer and Finance Secretary to oversee Good Shepherd’s financial situation, prepares and monitors our annual budget, and makes recommendations to the Church Council regarding budget and finance. Finance works cooperatively with the Mutual Ministry and Stewardship Committees to prepare the budget.


The Stewardship Committee works to develop and maintain the resources of our church through our annual campaign and year-round activities that focus on developing methods and means to call people into personal growth. Our mission is to challenge all Christians to reimagine the ways in which they can be stewards of God’s resources — time, talents, and treasures.

Property Committee

This committee is charged with keeping our building and grounds in good shape. They oversee routine maintenance (e.g., yard clean-ups, filter changes) and will step in to find a solution when an issue is recognized (e.g. broken window, faulty thermostat).

Technology Team

This team runs the AV equipment every Sunday providing Zoom for the members that are unable to attend in person. They also create YouTube videos of each Worship service which are made available on our Facebook page or Facebook group and can be viewed anytime. The team assists in setting up Zoom for group meetings and is also responsible for updating the office computers and equipment that becomes outdated.