An Environment of Faith, Fun, and Learning

Opportunities for Youth

We think that children should enjoy learning about God and here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Loudonville, we make it FUN! Please see our Newsletter and Calendar for current events and don’t forget to sign up for our Hillenbrandt Scholarship!

Christian Education For All Ages and Generations

After a 2 year hiatus from Covid, we were able to begin in-person Sunday School for the 2022 – 2023 year. We have moved the time to be during the Worship Service to allow flexibility for families with busy schedules. The children begin in the Sanctuary where they have a short time with the pastor and then go to Sunday School with the teachers. There is one class for all ages and the children range from 4 to 12 at this point. Each week we have a biblical topic primarily coinciding with the lectionary for that week’s Worship. There is a craft project and the children are given a snack and juice. During the first half of the year, we practiced and performed a song during Worship for commitment Sunday, collected money and purchased Good Gifts in November, and performed the Christmas Pageant. The teachers encourage others to participate and help whether it be for one Sunday or a series of them. It was a busy and fun first half of the year and we look forward to the second half being just as fun. Classes run from September-June.

First Communion: Grade 2 and up

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matt. 19:14) At Good Shepherd, there is no specific age required to receive First Communion other than when the parent feels their child may be ready. Children as early as grade 1 can begin to understand the basics of this sacrament, which is a life-long process. Even adults don’t fully understand this sacred mystery. Pastor Joyce along with Sunday School teachers will lead classes in preparation for First Communion.

Confirmation: Grades 7-8

Growing in faith, fellowship and self-awareness is our focus as these young teens join with the youth of the churches of the Albany Lutheran Cluster to work on material from Luther’s Small Catechism, including the Apostle’s Creed, Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, and the Sacraments. They also gather at Good Shepherd to work on additional academic, spiritual, and service projects.
Hillenbrandt Scholarship: Post-Secondary Students

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is proud to offer annual scholarships, up to $250.00 per year, to members who are pursuing post-secondary education. The deadline for applications is May 15th. Fill out the form below or learn more about the Hillenbrandt Scholarship HERE!